Cranial Therapy

Manual therapy techniques are becoming more and more popular due to their effectiveness, painlessness, and absolute safety. Unlike pills or invasive procedures, manual methods do not have a negative impact on surrounding tissues and organs: the very cause of the disease is eliminated, contributing to an immediate improvement in the patient’s condition.

Craniotherapy is one of the methods of manual exposure, in which the normal mobility of the skull bones is restored. Fused together, they nevertheless have very elastic seams. Due to this, their amplitude fluctuation is carried out – the so-called cranial “breathing”.

Cranial manual therapy is effective for a whole complex of craniocerebral pathologies.
This method is applicable if:

  • Headaches caused by increased intracranial pressure.
  • Post-traumatic conditions (after craniocerebral injuries and spinal injuries).
  • Infringement of nerves (spinal, facial, trigeminal).
  • Violation of the blood supply to the brain.

The procedure helps with:

  • Improvement in general well-being.
  • Sleep normalization.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Mood improvement.

Positive results are felt after the first procedure, but for effective recovery, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Solea Wellness specialists have the extensive practical experience and are fluent in all manual therapy techniques. The availability of modern diagnostic equipment will make it possible to establish the diagnosis as accurately as possible and determine individual treatment tactics.

In some cases, craniotherapy sessions are not recommended, be sure to consult with our experts.

Call us for a free consultation